Newborn baby sleeping peacefully.

Project in Ghana Village of Hope Babies’ Home

The rescue team about to set off – from left to right: Byron-Lee (IT & Photography), Matilda (Supervisor of Babies’ Homes), Anita (Nurse), Tracy (Social Worker) and Tony (Driver)

Some of the rescued babies at Village of Hope.

By Fred Asare, Managing Director, Village of Hope

Babies are abandoned in Ghana every year. They can be as young as one day old. They are often left at bus stops, in markets, at gas stations, at funeral grounds, in bushes, etc.

Unfortunately, some of them die before they are found. For those who are found alive, they are often taken to police stations where the police call officials of the Government’s Department of Social Welfare. Sadly, there are very few places designated and equipped to receive and care for such abandoned babies in the country.

Sometimes the police will hand over the baby to an elderly woman in the community to provide care. Without any financial or material support for such a volunteer caregiver, it becomes a burden on her and the babies do not receive the best care they need. 

Village of Hope started its babies’ home four years ago. There are now two buildings dedicated to the care of abandoned babies. Village of Hope has the capacity to care for at least 40 babies in these two facilities. We are open to receive babies from all over the country. We work closely with the Department of Social Welfare. When cases of abandoned babies are reported to the police, they call on the Department of Social Welfare for help; and the latter, in turn, call on us.

We travel to the location where the child has been found and bring the baby to the babies’ home. There is a vehicle dedicated solely to the rescuing of abandoned babies, so whenever a call for help comes, a nurse, a social worker and a driver move immediately to rescue the abandoned baby. After the rescue, the first point of call is Hope Christian Hospital, which is owned and operated by the Village of Hope. Medical personnel work around the clock to save and stabilize these babies, who are often brought in very weak, fragile and at the point of death owing to hours of exposure under bad conditions. It takes from one day to two weeks to stabilize these babies and ensure that they are well. Afterwards, the babies are transferred from the hospital to the babies’ home where they receive the best of care – food, clothing, shelter, and care.

Since its inception, more than 50 babies have passed through the Village of Hope’s babies’ home. We care for them until the Department of Social Welfare gives them for adoption and the courts grant the adoption order.

Village of Hope does not receive any financial or material support from the Government for the care of these abandoned babies. The babies are cared for entirely through the support and benevolence of donors – individuals, families, churches, charities and businesses.

There are currently 16 babies receiving care at the Village of Hope babies’ home.

Your donations to The Elpis Children’s Foundation have already made an impact on the operations of the babies home. We commit to sending 100% of donations to serving orphaned, abandoned, and needy children in Ghana.

Thank you.